How to Support Biodiversity and Your Local Ecosystem
The scale of the looming biodiversity crisis can feel overwhelming, yet our individual actions do have an impact. Are you ready to transform your yard into a thriving, biodiverse habitat? Nature's Action Guide: How to Support Biodiversity and Your Local Ecosystem, a companion to Doug Tallamy's Nature's Best Hope, highlights fifteen urgent actions that you can take to create healthy, functioning ecosystems wherever you live or work.
Each action includes an action checklist, step-by-step instructions, recommended resources, and informative tips. With a cost conscious, toward-zero-waste approach, Nature’s Action Guide is an ideal resource for busy homeowners and renters everywhere. Develop a vision for your landscape, learn to identify and grow the plants needed to attract wildlife and take the necessary steps to create a wildlife habitat that is practical, natural, and beautiful.
No green thumb? Nature’s Action Guide includes many critical actions urban dwellers and non-gardeners can take such as reducing night light, marking windows to safeguard birds, preventing animal entrapment, and many more DIY actions. Illustrated with over 750 color images, Nature’s Action Guide explains how to take action to restore biodiversity while we still can.
Nature's Action Guide is intended to be a living document. Your implementation of its actions and participation in its development is vital and highly valued. Together we can amplify the positive impact of our actions and help others as we work to support biodiversity wherever we live. Join the free Nature's Action Guide community for book content updates and new information.